I recently had the greatest joy of working with Farm Women in South Carolina in a program called "Annie Project" through Clemson University. These amazing women joined together to share ideas, marketing concepts, shortcuts, learn of financial planning, and offer good old fashioned advice to each other in their agricultural lives. No matter the type of farming they did, they had many things in common.
What do you think of when you think about farming? I found out there's all types of farming! Just in this group farming came in: Grass fed beef, raw milk, farmstead cheese and butter, timber, vegetable, eggs, hay, dairy, horses, swine, herbs, organic fruits and vegetables, roadside markets, farmers markets, cotton, peanuts, and nubian goats. Wow!
We often forget about our life line to agriculture and the commitment of the farmers who provide us with nourishment every day. I wanted to give a shout out to these women who all touched my heart!
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