Thursday, August 30, 2012
Labor Day Weekend : The Last Weekend of Summer
Shut your mouth! Summer is over? I avoided it completely as I darted from one air conditioned building to another in the past few months.
Summer has never been my favorite time of the year. My favorite time is the fall and ahhhhhh, that will soon be upon us.
Leaves are slowing falling through the trees. They are already changing colors as summer dries them to their final stage of life. Soon we’ll be smelling those fallen leaves!
The last weekend of summer? Maybe for most. But for me, I see Labor Day as opening the door to autumn
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
It’s Back to School
Kids are back in school in my area of the country and I wish for them a safe, harmonious and successful school year!
And a special shout out to teachers, administrators and staff wishing you a year that will smooooth by!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
From Olympian to Movie Star
Athletes have been glorified since the beginning of time. Many athletes have gone into the movies after being champions in Olympic events. Why, the first two Tarzans - Buster Crabbe and Johnny Weissmuller - were Olympic swimmers. And, let’s not forget Esther Williams who made a fortune swimming in movies! Go figure!
But I want to talk about The World’s Greatest Athlete in 1976 - Bruce Jenner who chose to star in television! Yep, young people - the dad on The Kardashians was once admired for his amazing athletic abilities.
I am so old, I remember Bruce before plastic surgery when he was one fine specimen of a man! It’s too bad the decathlon superman botoxed himself into, yet another, unrecognizable Hollywood plastic face. What a waste of a great athlete.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
What is Your Favorite Olympic-themed Movie?
Hollywood has always looked for good stories of sheer
determination and endurance which became the central focus in great athletes’
My all time favorite Olympian movies are Chariots of Fire and Cool Runnings!
What is
your favorite Olympic movie?
Friday, August 17, 2012
Girl Power – Female Athletes at the Olympics
How about Kim Rhode becoming the first athlete to medal in
five (5) straight Olympics? Oh,
you’re saying, “Who is Kim Rhode?”
She is a skeet shooter from CA who has set this new world’s
record. And, she plans to set
another world record in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro.
Talk about goal setting! Congrats to Kim - a terrific role model for any young
athlete dreaming of being in the Olympics in their near future.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
What are in those Olympic Medals?
The Olympic medals
are designed especially for each individual Olympic Games by the host city's
organizing committee. Each medal must be at least three millimeters thick and
60 millimeters in diameter. Also, the gold and silver Olympic medals must be
made out of 92.5 percent silver, with the gold medal covered in six grams of
gold. The last Olympic gold medals
that were made entirely out of gold were awarded in 1912.
to CNN, gold medals aren't what
they used to be – monetarily speaking. The gold
medals being awarded at the London Olympics, starting Friday, are made of 93 percent
silver and just 1.34 percent gold. The rest is copper. That adds up to
$650 in meltdown
silver medals (93 percent silver, 7 percent
copper) are worth about $335 and the bronze (mostly copper) less than $5. Of course, the medals have a monetary value but what is price of the sense of honor, accomplishment and knowing you did your best in London in 2012? Priceless!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Olympic Facts
1. The first opening
ceremonies were held during the 1908 Olympic Games in London.
2. The First Marathon happened in 490
BCE, Pheidippides, a Greek soldier, ran from Marathon to Athens (about 25
miles) to inform the Athenians the outcome of the battle with invading
Persians. The distance was filled with hills and other obstacles; thus
Pheidippides arrived in Athens exhausted and with bleeding feet. After telling
the townspeople of the Greeks' success in the battle, Pheidippides fell to the
ground dead. At the first modern games in 1896, a race of approximately the
same length was held in commemoration of Pheidippides.
3. The first US Olympic Champion
was James B. Connolly, winner of the hop, step, and jump at the first modern
Olympic Games.
4. Eric Liddell, the amazing *Chinese
born athlete, won a gold and a bronze medal in the 1924 Olympics. His stunning victory inspired the
movie, Chariots of Fire. He later
returned to China to serve as a missionary along with his wife and
children. Eric Liddell – a man who
was pure gold through and through.
To watch his win go to
* His parents were
missionaries in China where he was born.
5. When choosing
locations for the Olympic Games, the IOC specifically gives the honor of
holding the Games to a city rather than a country.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Destination: London Olympics
My brother, Greg, headed to London this week to be with his
Athletes in Action Wrestling buddies as they attend the Olympic forty years
after they were in Munich when the Israeli athletes and coaches were killed in
1972. Greg and three of his AIA
teammates were there when it happened.
What sadness. What
horror. ABC Sportscaster, Jim
McKay said, “They are all gone” to a stunned world who watched on live
The 2012 International Olympic Committee (IOC) did not see
fit to pay tribute to the lives of these eleven athletes. Shame on them!
However, during the opening ceremonies last Friday night,
Bob Costas had a moment of silence for the slain athletes whose lives were
taken by terrorists in Munich.
Thank you, Bob Costas, for showing a sense of dignity and sensitivity.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
How’s Your Self-Esteem?
Self-esteem is a
tricky thing. It is primarily an
emotional response to what we have done and what has been done to us. We do not realize it is developing and
growing our entire lives … usually without our consent.
In Maxwell Maltz’
book, Psycho-cybernetics, he says,
“All your actions, feelings, behaviors – even your abilities - are always
consistent with your self-esteem.
In short, you will ‘act like’ the sort of person you conceive yourself
to be.”
Oscar Wilde said,
“Most people are other people.
Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions; their lives are a mimic-ry;
their passion’s a quotation.”
Ever wonder why some
people behave the way they do? The
answer is low self- esteem. Look
at their behavior. Watch their
actions toward others. Examine their
morals and principles. Peek into
their ongoing work ethics. Assess
how they dress. Discover their
childhood background. The lower
the self-esteem and confidence the more anxious, fearful, uneasy, apprehensive,
guilty, and paranoid they behave.
They have a long history of making poor decisions that affects their
future goals, family, friends, their mental, spiritual and physical health.
If you suffer with
low self-esteem:
1. Do an internal
audit on where these motives and feelings were developed,
2. Make a pledge to
be responsible for who you are, what you have and what you are going to do
with yourself.
3. Mistakes are
simply that – a mistake. Visualize a new image of success.
4. Fall in love with
yourself. You have so much to
5. Consciously
release the past and live in the present you have always wanted.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Acknowledge Happiness
When I was a child,
we used to sing a song, “If You’re Happy and You Know It – Clap Your
Hands.” It was a fun song with
hand and feet actions to make the song a fully interactive event.
I’d like to recommend
when you are happy today just clap
your hands. Seriously. It will bring a grin just knowing you
have acknowledged your happiness and realize all things are not negative!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Do You Have Positivity?
Would you agree that
some days are just difficult to be positive? I personally feel we sometimes need to just wallow in the
blahs, have a personal pity party, and be ticked off with a particular sad
situation. But, we do need to have
a path on the road toward positivity.
I recently developed
a seminar on the subject of Positivity
in response to a clients’ request.
It’s a most eye opening session on teaching people to tap into their
positivity in any situation.
When you think of an
infant’s life -as long as they are fed, dry and comfortable- they are usually
happy. I mean they are totally
self-absorbed, love every new thing they try or experience, they smile easily,
they are the center of everyone’s life, and they are pretty sure the world
exists JUST for them. After all,
we sit and watch them and celebrate every tiny thing they do with applause and
As we grow up, life
seems to take away that smile and we lose that ability to tap into the
positivity that we knew from earlier times. Here are some tips on ways to stay positive:
1. Think only of what
you’re doing now. Do not be
thinking of the next step or the one you just
finished. Focus totally on now.
2. Defuse negativity
and watch the stress diminish.
3. Pay attention to
the joys around you.
We should examine our
own positivity. Imagine a work day
with all positive people, doing positive things, for positive results. Wow, that would be amazing!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Man Lands On the Moon
It’s been 43 years
since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon while Mike Collins
rendezvoused around the moon to hook up with them once the mission was
accomplished to walk on the moon the next day. The nation was captivated. We had our eyes set on the television to watch history being
made. It still blows my mind that NASA accomplished this great feat.
The space program was
important for showing the world that the United States of America was the best
in innovation and design. NASA
actually had 6300 patents registered from the space program alone.
We can thank NASA for
many innovations that we use today. Here are just a few:
1. Water filters 6. Shoe insoles
2. Cordless tools 7. Ear thermometers
3. Grooved safety
pavements 8. Memory foam
4. Smoke detectors 9. Scratch resistant lens
5. Long distance
communication 10.
Invisible braces
NASA for sharing your innovation with us!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Hot and BotheredWhat a hot summer this has been and it’s just mid July. Seems like I am always juuust a bit irritated in the summer. It’s tough to look cute when you wake up in the morning and the weather is currently 70 degrees with 96% humidity. How can someone look cute with their clothes being wet all the time? Yikes. As an adult, I somehow forget how hot it can be during these months. As a child, I couldn’t wait for summer and play outside. I didn’t know there was humidity. I did not sweat. I never complained about the being hot. I never remember waking up with aches and pains! Childhood is simply a time of boundless energy with no cares about what we face each day. Today, I am hot and bothered. I need to channel in some childhood today!
What a hot summer
this has been and it’s just mid July. Seems like I am always juuust a bit
irritated in the summer. It’s
tough to look cute when you wake up in the morning and the weather is currently
70 degrees with 96% humidity. How can someone look cute with their clothes
being wet all the time? Yikes.
As an adult, I
somehow forget how hot it can be during these months. As a child, I couldn’t wait for summer and play outside. I didn’t know there was humidity. I did not sweat. I never complained
about the being hot. I never
remember waking up with aches and pains!
Childhood is simply a time of boundless energy with no cares about what
we face each day.
I am hot and bothered. I need to channel
in some childhood today!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
The First Fourth of July Celebration – News from the Virginia Gazette 1777
Yesterday the 4th of July, being the Anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America, was celebrated in this city with demonstration of joy and festivity. About noon all the armed ships and gallies in the river were drawn up before the city, dressed in the gayest manner, with the colours of the United States and streamers displayed. At one o'clock, the yards being properly manned, they began the celebration of the day by a discharge of thirteen cannon from each of the ships, and one from each of the thirteen gallies, in honour of the Thirteen United States. In the afternoon an elegant dinner was prepared for Congress, to which were invited the President and Supreme Executive Council, and Speaker of the Assembly of this State, the General Officers and Colonels of the army, and strangers of eminence, and the members of the several Continental Boards in town. The Hessian band of music taken in Trenton the 26th of December last, attended and heightened the festivity with some fine performances suited to the joyous occasion, while a corps of British deserters, taken into the service of the continent by the State of Georgia, being drawn up before the door, filled up the intervals with feux de joie. After dinner a number of toasts were drank, all breaking independence, and a generous love of liberty, and commemorating the memories of those brave and worthy patriots who gallantly exposed their lives, and fell gloriously in defence [sic] of freedom and the righteous cause of their country. Each toasts was followed by a discharge of artillery and small arms, and a suitable piece of music by the Hessian band. The glorious fourth of July was reiterated three times accompanied with triple discharges of cannon and small arms, and loud huzzas that resounded from street to street through the city. Towards evening several troops of horse, a corps of artillery, and a brigade of North Carolina forces, which was in town on its way to join the grand army, were drawn up in Second street and reviewed by Congress and the General Officers. The evening was closed with the ringing of bells, and at night there was a grand exhibition of fireworks, which began and concluded with thirteen rockets on the commons, and the city was beautifully illuminated. Every thing was conducted with the greatest order and decorum, and the face of joy and gladness was universal. Thus may the 4th of July, that glorious and ever memorable day, be celebrated through America, by the sons of freedom, from age to age till time shall be no more. Amen, and amen
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
The Beginning of America
I am doing research, for my Sunday School Class, on the Founding Fathers’ Biblical principles that were included in the Constitution and early documents in the colonies. It has been an amazing discovery to read how God’s hands have been wrapped around this country since the beginning when the Pilgrims and the Puritan’s landed on our shores in the 1600’s.
Most of us attended school and learned about the Pilgrims near Thanksgiving. We heard the academic version of their quest for freedom. We rarely heard the Biblical quest for liberty and freedom in a new country away from the oppression and ridicule of the Church of England.
These first brave men and women endured a long journey across the Atlantic to find land that certainly needed lots of “sprucing up” once they set up camp. Life was incredibly harsh but they knew what they faced. They did not fret over the tough daily life they endured because their dream for religious freedom was found in the “New England.”
Often, we forget the price these 20,000 original people paid to build a country that was a shining light on a hill for others to seek. Maybe we become complacent of how God has blessed America through these years. When you’re watching the fireworks on the Fourth of July say a prayer for thanks for being fortunate enough to be an American!
Most of us attended school and learned about the Pilgrims near Thanksgiving. We heard the academic version of their quest for freedom. We rarely heard the Biblical quest for liberty and freedom in a new country away from the oppression and ridicule of the Church of England.
These first brave men and women endured a long journey across the Atlantic to find land that certainly needed lots of “sprucing up” once they set up camp. Life was incredibly harsh but they knew what they faced. They did not fret over the tough daily life they endured because their dream for religious freedom was found in the “New England.”
Often, we forget the price these 20,000 original people paid to build a country that was a shining light on a hill for others to seek. Maybe we become complacent of how God has blessed America through these years. When you’re watching the fireworks on the Fourth of July say a prayer for thanks for being fortunate enough to be an American!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Who IS The Problem Here?
When challenges slap us up side the head, it’s always good to consider what YOU have to do with the situation and its circumstances. Truthfully, if you draw a line to the circumstance and its unveiling there are always roads that lead back to YOU and your reaction to the event.
One of my good friends told me about three years ago that her company was going to be offering packages to anyone who had over 25 years of service. I asked if she was going to go ahead and take one of the offers. She barked back at me, “I am not leaving until they escort me out the door.” I encouraged her, at that time, to start planning for the day when empty boxes appear on her desk to pack up those 25 year memories while she is being asked to make a quick exit to her car.
Last week she called enraged that the company had offered her a package, had empty boxes on her desk when she returned from HR, and gave her 15 minutes to pack her 28 years of ‘stuff.’ She was yelling “the nerve of them to let me go after all these years of service, dedication and hard work.” While I agreed with the sadness of the inhumane manner she was being treated, ya can’t say she wasn’t warned!
Why is it that we always hear people say things such as:
“I can’t believe this happened to me!”
“That kind of thing never happens in our neighborhood.”
“He was always so quiet. I wonder what made him snap?”
Because people do not like to face the truth! Draw the line back to any circumstance in your life and you’ll see you were given warnings, red flags were there, tiny alarms went off inside you and you felt something wasn’t quite right. We sometimes are simply duped by the truth.
If there are any red flags flapping in your face, take charge of that situation now, prepare for any outcome and do not be caught off guard again!
One of my good friends told me about three years ago that her company was going to be offering packages to anyone who had over 25 years of service. I asked if she was going to go ahead and take one of the offers. She barked back at me, “I am not leaving until they escort me out the door.” I encouraged her, at that time, to start planning for the day when empty boxes appear on her desk to pack up those 25 year memories while she is being asked to make a quick exit to her car.
Last week she called enraged that the company had offered her a package, had empty boxes on her desk when she returned from HR, and gave her 15 minutes to pack her 28 years of ‘stuff.’ She was yelling “the nerve of them to let me go after all these years of service, dedication and hard work.” While I agreed with the sadness of the inhumane manner she was being treated, ya can’t say she wasn’t warned!
Why is it that we always hear people say things such as:
“I can’t believe this happened to me!”
“That kind of thing never happens in our neighborhood.”
“He was always so quiet. I wonder what made him snap?”
Because people do not like to face the truth! Draw the line back to any circumstance in your life and you’ll see you were given warnings, red flags were there, tiny alarms went off inside you and you felt something wasn’t quite right. We sometimes are simply duped by the truth.
If there are any red flags flapping in your face, take charge of that situation now, prepare for any outcome and do not be caught off guard again!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Eric Schmidt, Google Chairman’s Graduation Speech at Boston University
I wanted to share this powerful message with you. Read this to one of your children or grandchildren when they have their electronics in their face “communicating” with you!
“I believe fully in the power of technology to change the world for the better. And I believe even more fully in the ability of your generation to use that power to great effect–to rule technology. But you can’t let technology rule you.
Remember to take at least one hour a day and turn that thing off. Do the math, 1/24th. Go dark. Shut it down. Learn where the OFF button is.
Take your eyes off the screen, and look into the eyes of the that person you love.
Have a conversation–a real conversation–with the friends who make you think, with the family who makes you laugh.
Don’t just push a button saying I “Like” something. Actually tell them. What a concept!
Engage with the world around you … feel … and taste … and smell … and hug what’s there, right in front of you–not what’s a click away.
Life is not lived in the glow of a monitor. Life is not a series of status updates. Life is not about your friend count–it’s about the friends you can count on.
Life is about who you love, how you live, it’s about who you travel through the world with. Your family, your collaborators, your friends. Life is a social experience first, and the best aspects of that experience are not lonely ones–they are spent in the company of others.”
“I believe fully in the power of technology to change the world for the better. And I believe even more fully in the ability of your generation to use that power to great effect–to rule technology. But you can’t let technology rule you.
Remember to take at least one hour a day and turn that thing off. Do the math, 1/24th. Go dark. Shut it down. Learn where the OFF button is.
Take your eyes off the screen, and look into the eyes of the that person you love.
Have a conversation–a real conversation–with the friends who make you think, with the family who makes you laugh.
Don’t just push a button saying I “Like” something. Actually tell them. What a concept!
Engage with the world around you … feel … and taste … and smell … and hug what’s there, right in front of you–not what’s a click away.
Life is not lived in the glow of a monitor. Life is not a series of status updates. Life is not about your friend count–it’s about the friends you can count on.
Life is about who you love, how you live, it’s about who you travel through the world with. Your family, your collaborators, your friends. Life is a social experience first, and the best aspects of that experience are not lonely ones–they are spent in the company of others.”
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Is That Really The Best Outfit They Had?
Summer time naturally brings a more relaxed attitude. School is out. Kids are having fun. Parents are planning vacations.
And, evidently workers view their work attire in a much more leisurely manner. Have you seen what is being worn to work these days? It's embarrassing not only for the employee but for the rest of us who have to look at you all day. Here are some Do Not Attempt To Wear helpful hints when you head to your closet tomorrow morning to pick your ensemble:
1. Flip flops - no matter how much they cost or what type of material they are made from - do not wear them to work. Closed shoes are the best option for safety and sanitation.
2. Ripped or tattered clothes - not a good first impression to see someone with these clothes choices. It diminishes your professionalism immediately.
3. Workout attire - Hello? They are for just that...a workout.
4. Shorts or skorts - risky at best. They are entirely too casual for work.
5. Women's ta ta's - leave your girls covered in the workplace.
If you have committed any of these fashion mistakes, stop. Now! We beg you. As my grandma would have said, "Dress up and act like you got some sense!"
And, evidently workers view their work attire in a much more leisurely manner. Have you seen what is being worn to work these days? It's embarrassing not only for the employee but for the rest of us who have to look at you all day. Here are some Do Not Attempt To Wear helpful hints when you head to your closet tomorrow morning to pick your ensemble:
1. Flip flops - no matter how much they cost or what type of material they are made from - do not wear them to work. Closed shoes are the best option for safety and sanitation.
2. Ripped or tattered clothes - not a good first impression to see someone with these clothes choices. It diminishes your professionalism immediately.
3. Workout attire - Hello? They are for just that...a workout.
4. Shorts or skorts - risky at best. They are entirely too casual for work.
5. Women's ta ta's - leave your girls covered in the workplace.
If you have committed any of these fashion mistakes, stop. Now! We beg you. As my grandma would have said, "Dress up and act like you got some sense!"
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Check out this posting on Marilyn Easter's Facebook page after attending a seminar in Newberry, SC:
"The motivational speaker I heard at" Annie's Project" for women in agriculture this weekend came quickly back to mind! #1. I shut off the moaning song #2. I took control of my day!!! Phew!! I feel much better!!! Thank you Laura Hamilton for that great program on communication skills and women's issues!!!"
"The motivational speaker I heard at" Annie's Project" for women in agriculture this weekend came quickly back to mind! #1. I shut off the moaning song #2. I took control of my day!!! Phew!! I feel much better!!! Thank you Laura Hamilton for that great program on communication skills and women's issues!!!"
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Happy Fathers Day
It’s that time of year when we salute dads! Isn’t it always fun to honor someone who has played a major role in our view of the world?
Some dads are serious and strong disciplinarians. What did we learn from them? The need to be detailed and stay focused on the task at hand.
Some dads are quiet and sincere. What did we learn from them? The need to be a calming force in times of chaos.
Some dads are fun and love to laugh. What did we learn from them? The need to be able to laugh at ourselves and learn from the mistakes we have made.
What was my dad? Joe Hicks was all of the above. He was an amazing man!
No matter what kind of dad you are - enjoy your day being the center of attention!
Some dads are serious and strong disciplinarians. What did we learn from them? The need to be detailed and stay focused on the task at hand.
Some dads are quiet and sincere. What did we learn from them? The need to be a calming force in times of chaos.
Some dads are fun and love to laugh. What did we learn from them? The need to be able to laugh at ourselves and learn from the mistakes we have made.
What was my dad? Joe Hicks was all of the above. He was an amazing man!
No matter what kind of dad you are - enjoy your day being the center of attention!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Farm Women
I recently had the greatest joy of working with Farm Women in South Carolina in a program called "Annie Project" through Clemson University. These amazing women joined together to share ideas, marketing concepts, shortcuts, learn of financial planning, and offer good old fashioned advice to each other in their agricultural lives. No matter the type of farming they did, they had many things in common.
What do you think of when you think about farming? I found out there's all types of farming! Just in this group farming came in: Grass fed beef, raw milk, farmstead cheese and butter, timber, vegetable, eggs, hay, dairy, horses, swine, herbs, organic fruits and vegetables, roadside markets, farmers markets, cotton, peanuts, and nubian goats. Wow!
We often forget about our life line to agriculture and the commitment of the farmers who provide us with nourishment every day. I wanted to give a shout out to these women who all touched my heart!
What do you think of when you think about farming? I found out there's all types of farming! Just in this group farming came in: Grass fed beef, raw milk, farmstead cheese and butter, timber, vegetable, eggs, hay, dairy, horses, swine, herbs, organic fruits and vegetables, roadside markets, farmers markets, cotton, peanuts, and nubian goats. Wow!
We often forget about our life line to agriculture and the commitment of the farmers who provide us with nourishment every day. I wanted to give a shout out to these women who all touched my heart!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Sunscreen Safety
Sunscreen is getting lots of coverage since there are new regulations on the SPF coding. The codes are suppose to make us safer. Sunscreen is suppose to help us reduce skin cancer. These are all great things, right?
Well, have you heard that 1) An ingredient in sunscreen can cause cancer? 2) An ingredient in sunscreen is flammable? Do companies even care what ingredients they are putting in these products so they can make a fortune selling us 'safety'? Geez.
Well, have you heard that 1) An ingredient in sunscreen can cause cancer? 2) An ingredient in sunscreen is flammable? Do companies even care what ingredients they are putting in these products so they can make a fortune selling us 'safety'? Geez.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Another Great Customer Experience
I love finding people going beyond the call of duty. I really appreciate someone providing great service these days. I found someone who does both very well. Her name is Beverly and she works at a local Laundromat.
Why would I need a Laundromat? It happened when I woke up one morning to find bright neon green highlighter deposits all over the king sized comforter. Why would neon green splotches be on the comforter? I used the highlighter the night before to underscore exceptional thoughts in a book. I thought I had secured the pen top but I had not. And as I moved in bed, the highlighter moved with me leaving pools of highlighter in large and small places. Who knew highlighters had so much ink in ‘em lil barrels?
I do not have a heavy duty washing machine so I headed to a local Laundromat that had a sign in front of their business that read, “Let Us Do Your Laundry For You!” That got my attention. I walked in with that huge mound of highlighted comforter in my arms, peeking over the heap and, there, I met Beverly. Beverly walked up and said, “What can I do to help?”
When I explained the situation she looked at me and said, “Do you want it back this afternoon or in the morning?” No condemnation. No snide remarks. No rolling her eyes at me. Beverly simply had service on her mind and delivering a clean comforter to me as soon as she could.
I got into a conversation with this effervescent, confident woman and heard her life story. A foster child most of her life, she worked her way through college, married, had three children, and managed restaurants for years. Now she managed this laundromat because it allowed her more time with her family and fulfilling their goals. What an achiever!
Beverly knew service inside out: Service to her family; service to her career; service to her customers; service to her own life choices.
Here’s a big salute to Beverly. Thank you for outstanding service excellence!
Why would I need a Laundromat? It happened when I woke up one morning to find bright neon green highlighter deposits all over the king sized comforter. Why would neon green splotches be on the comforter? I used the highlighter the night before to underscore exceptional thoughts in a book. I thought I had secured the pen top but I had not. And as I moved in bed, the highlighter moved with me leaving pools of highlighter in large and small places. Who knew highlighters had so much ink in ‘em lil barrels?
I do not have a heavy duty washing machine so I headed to a local Laundromat that had a sign in front of their business that read, “Let Us Do Your Laundry For You!” That got my attention. I walked in with that huge mound of highlighted comforter in my arms, peeking over the heap and, there, I met Beverly. Beverly walked up and said, “What can I do to help?”
When I explained the situation she looked at me and said, “Do you want it back this afternoon or in the morning?” No condemnation. No snide remarks. No rolling her eyes at me. Beverly simply had service on her mind and delivering a clean comforter to me as soon as she could.
I got into a conversation with this effervescent, confident woman and heard her life story. A foster child most of her life, she worked her way through college, married, had three children, and managed restaurants for years. Now she managed this laundromat because it allowed her more time with her family and fulfilling their goals. What an achiever!
Beverly knew service inside out: Service to her family; service to her career; service to her customers; service to her own life choices.
Here’s a big salute to Beverly. Thank you for outstanding service excellence!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Take Care of Yourself…No One Else Can Do It For You
May was a month when a lot of my friends got sick, hurt, disabled, well, you name it. I do not know why it all happened at the same time but it did. Could it just be my age and the age of my friends? Could it just be bad things happen to good people? Could it just be that everyone is so busy taking care of life – they forget to take care of themselves?
I think the answer lies in the fact that we do not take care of ourselves anymore. I have made a living teaching women in my “Superwoman: Are You Invincible?” seminar that if we do not take care of ourselves we do not have a life!
Ask yourself these questions: During a 24 hour period
1. How can you not have time to sit down to simply breathe and relax?
2. How can you be so busy you forget to go to the bathroom?
3. How can you not know the time of day because you are so focused on taking care of others?
4. How can you get so absorbed in work you forget about your children? Your spouse?
5. How can you be mad at your family because they never help you out?
6. How can you blame others for the poor shape you are in when you have done nothing to fix
Wanna know why? Because you have not made you a priority in your own life. Hey, this is not a dress rehearsal. We do not get ‘do-overs.’ We do not have the privilege of hitting a delete button and starting all over again. This is it!
Make an personal pledge that June will be a month of focusing on yourself. Believe me, you are well worth it!
I think the answer lies in the fact that we do not take care of ourselves anymore. I have made a living teaching women in my “Superwoman: Are You Invincible?” seminar that if we do not take care of ourselves we do not have a life!
Ask yourself these questions: During a 24 hour period
1. How can you not have time to sit down to simply breathe and relax?
2. How can you be so busy you forget to go to the bathroom?
3. How can you not know the time of day because you are so focused on taking care of others?
4. How can you get so absorbed in work you forget about your children? Your spouse?
5. How can you be mad at your family because they never help you out?
6. How can you blame others for the poor shape you are in when you have done nothing to fix
Wanna know why? Because you have not made you a priority in your own life. Hey, this is not a dress rehearsal. We do not get ‘do-overs.’ We do not have the privilege of hitting a delete button and starting all over again. This is it!
Make an personal pledge that June will be a month of focusing on yourself. Believe me, you are well worth it!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Many of you know that I am a Master Gardener through the NC State Extension Service. I love gardening and wish I could spend about three hours a day just digging in dirt in the spring.
My love for gardening came from my maternal grandmother, Eva Ferguson. She was an avid gardener and helped charter a garden club in the 30s. She served as a judge at Yard Beautiful Competitions and Garden Shows. And, she and my granddad, George, could plant the most gorgeous and prolific garden with vegetables galore.
At the time of being in her various gardens, selecting flowers for her dinner table, picking tomatoes, stringing beans or finding a rotten potato to throw at my brothers, I never realized I was learning a hobby and a skill that would last a lifetime.
Adults may never know the power of helping a child discover their gifts. But, their nurturing of me was done in such a way that the learning never outweighed the fun! Thanks to my grandparents for this gift that keeps on giving.
My love for gardening came from my maternal grandmother, Eva Ferguson. She was an avid gardener and helped charter a garden club in the 30s. She served as a judge at Yard Beautiful Competitions and Garden Shows. And, she and my granddad, George, could plant the most gorgeous and prolific garden with vegetables galore.
At the time of being in her various gardens, selecting flowers for her dinner table, picking tomatoes, stringing beans or finding a rotten potato to throw at my brothers, I never realized I was learning a hobby and a skill that would last a lifetime.
Adults may never know the power of helping a child discover their gifts. But, their nurturing of me was done in such a way that the learning never outweighed the fun! Thanks to my grandparents for this gift that keeps on giving.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Although many people think the Memorial Weekend is about the official opening of the summer season, Memorial Day is dedicated to service men and women who gave their lives for freedom and country. The roots of Memorial Day go back to 1865 at the end of the Civil War. Take time to remember lost loved ones in whatever way you feel appropriate.
Although many people think the Memorial Weekend is about the official opening of the summer season, Memorial Day is dedicated to service men and women who gave their lives for freedom and country. The roots of Memorial Day go back to 1865 at the end of the Civil War.
Take time to remember lost loved ones in whatever way you feel appropriate.
Take time to remember lost loved ones in whatever way you feel appropriate.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
thank you
Here a thank you letter from a recent client. Thanks to Jackie and NCAHQ.
Dear Laura:
It was a pleasure having you present at our 2012 Conference this year. Your content was spot on and your delivery is phenomenal. You received rave reviews from our attendees. Some comments that were made on the evaluation forms were: “engaging, funny, fantastic, excellent presenter” and my personal favorite “need her again!”
On behalf of the board, we thank you for a wonderful enlightening experience!
Antoinette Stein RN, BSN
NCAHQ Conference Planning Team Leader
Please let me know if I can assist you in having a successful upcoming meeting. Go to for more information.
Dear Laura:
It was a pleasure having you present at our 2012 Conference this year. Your content was spot on and your delivery is phenomenal. You received rave reviews from our attendees. Some comments that were made on the evaluation forms were: “engaging, funny, fantastic, excellent presenter” and my personal favorite “need her again!”
On behalf of the board, we thank you for a wonderful enlightening experience!
Antoinette Stein RN, BSN
NCAHQ Conference Planning Team Leader
Please let me know if I can assist you in having a successful upcoming meeting. Go to for more information.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Armed Forces Day
Saturday is Armed Forces Day where we celebrate anyone who serves in the armed forces around the world. I recently spoke at Camp Lejeune and many attendees were amazing Marines who fight for our freedoms every day. It was an honor to be in the presence of such good people.
Check out your local community calendars for planned events. And, when you see a military person in uniform- thank them for what they do for you every day.
If you have a loved one in the military, send us their names and we’ll give a big salute to them!
Check out your local community calendars for planned events. And, when you see a military person in uniform- thank them for what they do for you every day.
If you have a loved one in the military, send us their names and we’ll give a big salute to them!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Congrats to College Graduates
My former assistant and now one of my closest friends, Julia Broyhill, marched with her graduating class at the University of Illinois – Springfield this weekend. I am so proud of her! And, now she’s started her Masters Degree.
Julia is one of smartest, most unassuming women I have ever known. And, she is hilarious, too! Julia is on the road to greatness and I am sitting on the sidelines watching the Julia Parade of Success go by!
Congrats to everyone who graduated from college recently but especially to Miz Julia Broyhill!
Julia is one of smartest, most unassuming women I have ever known. And, she is hilarious, too! Julia is on the road to greatness and I am sitting on the sidelines watching the Julia Parade of Success go by!
Congrats to everyone who graduated from college recently but especially to Miz Julia Broyhill!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Mothers and Their Wisdom
Here’s a salute to all you moms, step moms, mother in laws and grandmas! I admire anyone who chooses to show total unconditional love to someone for their entire life. It is a role of great courage, tenacity and strength.
And, moms seem so wise. Often I think of the things my mom said to me growing up. It was usually met with rolling eyes and an, “old ma…” response from me. Little did I know what wise counsel she was throughout my life.
Let me hear about some of the wise things your mom said and post them for us to share with everyone.
And, moms seem so wise. Often I think of the things my mom said to me growing up. It was usually met with rolling eyes and an, “old ma…” response from me. Little did I know what wise counsel she was throughout my life.
Let me hear about some of the wise things your mom said and post them for us to share with everyone.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Mothers Say the Funniest Things
Mothers Day is this Sunday, May 13th and I’d love to hear some of the funniest advice your mom shared with you.
I used to watch The Little Rascals (the original black and white ones) on television. I loved those shows. My two favorite characters were Darla who was a great young talent! And, Froggy who wore the big glasses and spoke in his raspy, guttural frog-like sound. When I would imitate him almost perfectly, my mom would say that I was gonna “get stuck sounding like that the rest of my life.”
I am grateful that didn’t happen but always thought it was funny that even small children could figure out MomPyschology.
Please feel free to post some of your best funnies. I can’t wait to read them!
I used to watch The Little Rascals (the original black and white ones) on television. I loved those shows. My two favorite characters were Darla who was a great young talent! And, Froggy who wore the big glasses and spoke in his raspy, guttural frog-like sound. When I would imitate him almost perfectly, my mom would say that I was gonna “get stuck sounding like that the rest of my life.”
I am grateful that didn’t happen but always thought it was funny that even small children could figure out MomPyschology.
Please feel free to post some of your best funnies. I can’t wait to read them!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Nurses Week
One may never think of the tireless work of nurses but they are vital to the success of any doctor’s practice, medical center environment or education facility. The official Nurses Day is Sunday May 6th.
Hug a nurse and say thank you to them!
Hug a nurse and say thank you to them!
Monday, April 30, 2012
If I Could Do It All Over Again
What would you do
differently if you could do it all over again?
Monday, April 23, 2012
A Shout Out To The People Who Always Make Me Look Good
![]() |
Dazzling the Crowd |
I do not know if you
understand all the behind the scenes activities that take place before a
speaker arrives on the platform to deliver their message. We speakers just walk out there as if we have
not a care in the world. Why can we do
Because we have the
privilege of having amazing, highly intelligent, dedicated people who have done
everything but the speaking part!
So here’s a Shout
Out to:
1. The AV Guru
2. The IT Guy
3. The Sound Man
4. The Dude Over
There With the Ear Phones
5. The Lighting
6. The HVAC Crew
7. The
Catering/Banquet Staff
8. The Facilities
9. The Man Behind
That Window
Thanks for making
all speakers look good! You are very
much appreciated in our industry!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
I am hooked on Dancing With The Stars! I know an addiction is nothing to brag about. But, how strong does one have to be to put their career on the line in front of millions of judges? I have profound admiration for people of great courage.

Personally, I ain’t skeered of nuthin, but this show makes me realize I have not taken substantial risks in a while. Is it age? Or, is it sensibility? Or, is it just gutless fear? The answer? Yes.
I am ready for some new challenges in my professional career. I believe we can all get stale in our quest to meet the status quo. My goal is to never be like millions of people who feel stuck in a job they do not like. I love the speaking business and my career. I just want to add some pizzazz!
DTWS has inspired me to do the Quick Step to rev things up for Spring 2012! How about you?
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Did You See That?
I think it is fun to go to a mall or any public venue and watch people. I love doing that. Seems like people do not realize the non-verbal things they reveal to us when they walk by. I discreetly watch them with a quick glance – never to be caught.
I don’t know about you but I make decisions about people…you know, based on my own correct point of view just from their non-verbal cues. For instance, I’ll see a well dressed professional person and say to myself, “CPA.” Like I know! Or, I’ll see a couple holding hands as they stroll along and say to myself, “They are having an affair. If they were married they wouldn’t be touching!” Puleeze. I do not know one thing about these random folks and I should be ashamed of judging others. As a matter of fact, I should stop doing it.
But every now and then, I’ll see a sight like I have never seen. You know… the outfit you can not believe someone wore in public? Eeewww! I just have to say to the person closest to me, “Did you see that?” And the two of us will break into sheer gasping laughs.
Next time you see something you can’t believe you just saw…look at the person closest to you and say, “Did you see that?” Trust me they will be your BFF instantly.
Monday, April 2, 2012
It’s April Fools Day Every Day
Is it me or do you think that people are pulling April Fools tricks on us all the time?
Look at our government. They pull jokes on us every day.
Look at our employer. They will play tricks on us quite often.
Look at our grocery stores. They make us laugh with the increase in prices.
Look at our dentists. They want to charge $1700 for a crown. Now, that’s funny.
You want how much to fill up with gas?
See what I mean? April Fools Day is every day!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Here’s to All Leapers or Leaplings
Today is Leap Day. People born on February 29th are referred to as Leapers or Leaplings. So how do they celebrate their birthdays on the “off” years? Some chose February 28 or they chose March 1. Real Leapers merely celebrate on the 29th every four years. I’d love to have been born on the 29th. I’d just barely be a teenager today!
What is a Leap Year anyway? According to Leap Years are needed to keep our calendar in alignment with the Earth's revolutions around the sun. It takes the Earth approximately 365.242199 days (a tropical year) to circle once around the Sun. If we didn't add a day on February 29 nearly every 4 years, we would lose almost six hours every year. After only 100 years, our calendar would be off by approximately 24 days. Now, aren’t you glad you asked!
Happy Birthday, Leapers and Leaplings!
Friday, February 24, 2012
A Tribute to Ivy Cavenaugh Schlentz
Have you ever met someone and made an immediate decision that you like them? I mean you just feel honored to be near them? That’s what happened in 2005 when I first met Ivy Cavenaugh Schlentz. She was simply precious not only in her pixie good looks but in her deep spiritual soul.
Ivy passed away in January after a valiant 4 ½ year battle with breast cancer. She was the wife of my speaker friend, Rich Schlentz. They had a precious love affair that most of us would envy. They laughed, they had fun, they enjoyed each other’s company, they challenged each other to be better humans, and they really were devoted to one another.
Rich gave attendees at the memorial service a glimpse into their lives. He shined for Ivy. He radiated her love. He made each of us pause to consider how we will honor the people we love. Thank you, Rich Schlentz, for being a remarkable role model for all!
Ivy passed away in January after a valiant 4 ½ year battle with breast cancer. She was the wife of my speaker friend, Rich Schlentz. They had a precious love affair that most of us would envy. They laughed, they had fun, they enjoyed each other’s company, they challenged each other to be better humans, and they really were devoted to one another.
Rich gave attendees at the memorial service a glimpse into their lives. He shined for Ivy. He radiated her love. He made each of us pause to consider how we will honor the people we love. Thank you, Rich Schlentz, for being a remarkable role model for all!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Casual Day Fallout
Is it me or have you noticed that people have lost their sense of style? Oh, I am not talking supermodel stuff. Nor am I talking WalMartian stuff. I am talking about ordinary people that seem to not care how they look any more.
I think it all started with Casual Day Friday. Employees were allowed to wear casual pants and casual tops or company logo shirts to be comfortable one day a week. It was a great concept!
Soon, employees moved to jeans and t-shirts to be comfortable one day a week. Then in hot weather, employees started wearing shorts/skorts to be comfortable one day a week. That led to employees wearing flip flops, floppy shorts, and floppy shirts to be comfortable one day a week. Women started wearing crop tops to show others their entire acreage of belly fat (eeeewww) to be comfortable one day a week. Today, some employees just wear what is clean on top of the pile in the floor to be comfortable one day a week. And that’s just in the work environment.
How many of you have seen people wearing pajama bottoms in stores? Help!
Let’s face it. In most companies every day is Casual Day now. However, when we dress casual, we act casual.
I do not bank on Fridays. My bank observes Casual Day now. Some employees wear the bank logo shirts. Why, some female employees have the nerve to make me look at their sausage packed leggings! (That should be against the law!) I do not want my money to be handled casually.
I work too hard to get it! I want the employees to look like bankers no matter what day I chose to bank. Seriously!
Personally, I think the first impression is a lasting impression. It is the image we recall in our minds when we think of someone. And lately, I have a gallery of unpleasant recalls in my mind.
Take a 360 degree look at yourself before you leave the house and think to yourself, “Is this the best I can look today to project the image I so desire?” If not, please professionalize before you leave home!
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