Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Personal phone calls at work are a major concern for employers.

Personal phone calls at work are a major concern for employers.  With cell phones and Facebook, employees waste 35% of their work time on personal matters.  Now, how would you like to sign an employee’s paycheck knowing they have only given the company 65% of their day?  Here’s some wise Advice for Social Media Addicts:
1. Don’t look at your personal Facebook on the job, period.  Now if you suffer from withdrawals-develop a schedule to check it only twice a day.  

2. Are you really that important that you have to that connected?  Focus on work.  That is why you are getting paid.
3. Remember just 5 years ago we actually went hours before getting a return call or receiving an email reply and we still provided met customer and co-worker needs.
4. Look up when you are walking and try to speak to people. Others are tired of dodging self absorbed people in hallways and on the street who can not keep their eyes on anything but the equipment they have in their hands.

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