Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy 2011!

Happy 2011!  I wish for you all the joys of a new beginning.  Oh, it’s just a date but we’re in charge of our destiny.  Here are some tips to Start Being The Best You:

1.      Do not dwell on your past.  It’s over.  Run forward.
2.      Be in charge of your future.  You’re writing the book of your life.  How do you want it to finish? 
3.      Forgive people who have hurt you.  They have moved on and forgotten it.  You should too.

Stay in touch with God.  One cannot walk this life alone.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Whew, we made it!

Whew, we made it!  Now we gear up for the new year with resolutions.  The Miami Herald article in January, 2010 says that of the 40-45% of people who make New Year's resolutions or goals, only 75% are able to keep their resolutions past the first week. That means that one quarter of people who make New Year's promises do not have enough will power to stay true to themselves for seven days. Here are some tips to Stop Setting Unrealistic Resolutions:
1.      Set goals that you believe are attainable in a reasonable time frame.
2.      Set goals that you want to accomplish - not what someone else wants you to accomplish.
3.      Set goals that will be fun to see results.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays to everyone

Happy Holidays to everyone. 
  1. Absorb the joyful time with family and friends. 
  2. Pause and watch the amazement of children.
  3. Drive safely and enjoy the view.
  4. Reflect on the reason for the season.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Five Days and counting

Five Days and counting.  How could it be here so fast?  Seems like we just put the decoration in storage.  This week, I would like to suggest you think of your health and nutrition.  The media would lead us to believe women gain 5-8 pounds during the holidays.   Health experts say it is more like one pound. Really?  Well, then why do my clothes get tight before the first of the year?  Here are some tips to Stop Eating Yourself To Sickness:

1. Eat a protein filled snack before going to a party or family gathering.  You will feel full and will truly not be as hungry upon arrival.

2. Face the fact that all tempting, fat and sugar filled foods end up on your thighs.  Eat just enough to get the flavor and don’t over indulge. 

3. Yeast makes you swell.  Period.  If you want to not have tight clothes – eat nothing white until after January 2nd. You’ll be delighted with your decision!

4.  Enjoy the fruits and nuts of the season.  They are all good for you.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

When is the last time you laughed?

When is the last time you laughed? Women never have time to laugh anymore because we are in Holiday Mode and like robots we do what is required.  Laughter is left off the list of things to do.  Here are some tips on Stop Frowning and Turn That Frown Upside Down:

1.  Find humor everywhere.  Even the craziest thing that happens to you this season will be hilarious in two weeks when you tell the story.

2.  Hang out with funny people.  Who needs sadness and doom this time of year.  Select only funny people to associate with during the season.

3.  Find humor in yourself.  Let’s face it – we do some dumb things!  So laugh about it  instead of having negative self talk. 

4.  Bring humor into your home.  Everyone deserves some cheer this year!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Women, make a list of gifts you would like for yourself.

Women, make a list of gifts you would like for yourself.  How often have we received a dust buster and it was the most thoughtful gift of all we received?  We somehow think “They’ll just know.”  T  h  e  y don’t know anything!  Here are tips to Stop Receiving Pitiful Gifts:
  1. Be selfish and ask for specific things you will not buy for yourself.
  2. Be aware of different price ranges and make the list using various prices.  You’ll get more that way!
  3. Be alert to sales on the items you want and let your family and friends know.  Hey, you’re saving them money, right?
Be thankful for all you receive. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A word from our sponsor

A  n  d,  now a word from our sponsor.  If you are having a tough time deciding on a gift for a friend, why not consider a CD of my seminar, Superwoman: Are You Invincible? Here’s some tips to Stop Being Unbalanced:
  1. Remember, you can say no without guilt.   Practice.
  2. Remember, you are the only one who thinks those crazy thoughts in your head. Hit the delete button to old thoughts and hurt feelings.  Cleanse.
  3. Remember, usually the one tipping the scales toward imbalance is YOU. Breathe.
  4. Remember, you think you’re always in charge of everyone else.  Maybe so but ask yourself, “How am I doing taking care of myself? “ Value yourself more.

 Email our office at and we will be your elf this year. For $10 per CD you can help women in your life to turn in their red cape for a more balanced lifestyle!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

With the holidays just around the corner

With the holidays just around the corner, many of you rush frantically from mall to mall, for internet site to internet site searching for the perfect gift for your loved one.  Here’s some advice to Stop The Madness:
1. Think gift cards.  And, don’t go from store to store to get them.  Go to Walgreens, CVS or your grocery store.  They have multiple choices from department stores, to gaming stores, to music downloads, to Bass Pro Shop. Just make one stop, pick up 14 gift cards and you’re done.  My favorite gift card is a VISA card because people can use it anywhere.
2.  Don’t tell people you did the above.  Let them think you went to multiple stores.  Women, we talk too much and reveal things that need to be kept to ourselves.

3. Everyone loves a gift card.  Get over yourself for not driving yourself nuts by excessive, stressful holiday shopping.

If you love to shop  - good for you.  Be sure to have a complete list prepared before you leave the house and don’t vary on the gifts listed. It saves time and money to stick to the plan.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Let me talk to you, Ms. Griswold

Let me talk to you, Ms. Griswold.  Do you really need to have the biggest display this side of the Mississippi?  Here’s some advice to Stop Over-Decorating:
1.      If you have not used decorations in more than two years, donate the unused ones to organizations that will benefit from your gift.
2.      If you do not hosting events at your house this year minimize the decorations. 
You don’t have to be Martha Stewart every year.
3.      Just like with your wardrobe, have core colors. It simplifies decorating and makes adding to the decorations yearly easier.
4.      It’s most cost effective to purchase new decorations and cards the week following the holidays to use next year.  Somehow, they are prettier when they are 50-75% off.